Kate, One of My Favorite Photographers

Kate Sweeney is the greatest and I was very happy to photograph her at her home with a mobile studio setup that neatly fits in one backpack and an arm full of stands and paper. I'm constantly inspired by Kate's creative spirit and commitment to shooting all the time. Check out her work here. 

Danielle, Home Studio

Danielle is one of my coworkers and I was inspired by her colored hair and interesting look, we did a studio shoot with a single speedlight and a black paper backdrop. Credit to our friend Traci who helped with styling and inspiration. Photograph who and what you know!

Jonathan and Samantha, 2015

Was finishing up a photo shoot at night on the West side of Columbus, near a helipad where helicopters were hovering, where we could see a highway of cars, where just before leaving we found this perfect lighting setup. 

Studio visit with Aleah Chapin

Aleah Chapin is a figurative painter currently working in Brooklyn that I'm extremely privileged to have met at a wedding many years ago in Ohio. Her work features large scale nudes, often in groups, set in landscapes from the West Coast of Washington State where she grew up. I find her work unique, inspiring, and extremely beautiful while highlighting the struggles of age, health, and what beauty means. Aleah has been a great friend to me, and I was ecstatic to visit her studio to photograph her and the objects that she uses in her work. Find information about Aleah here and here. Find Aleah's website here.