This was the caption I used when I posted these photos on Instagram: I often think about recreating photos I feel very inspired by, so when my friend Kahlil dyed his hair green it was the perfect opportunity to recreate the cover of Blonde by Frank Ocean, whose original photo was taken by Wolfgang Tillmans. I think Blonde is an incredible work of art, and I credit it's influence on my life since it came out. Our version was shot in my bathroom with a single flash gelled with a 1/4 CTO. The second photo is a play on the theme of the original, which I think came out pretty well. Thanks Frank and thanks Wolfgang for making all our lives less boring and more inspired!
Mike Pence Dance Party
When the VP of the United States is speaking at a hotel while Pride weekend kicks off, a dance party is in order. Here's an article that explains the whole thing that went down...yes, on Gay St. Got there late, but left with a few snaps worth sharing.

Smartypants Vintage
Shot this set for Smartypants Vintage earlier this week. Smartypants is a vintage boutique in the Short North neighborhood in Columbus, one of a dying breed of independantly owned stores in the area. We have talked about collaborating for years and it finally came together! Looking forward to working on more shoots together in the future. Styling by Justina Smart. Models Brett Jones and Colleen Miracle were perfect, thank you! Support your local stores!! Buy local!!!
Mungbean (it's a band)
My friends Emma and Sean are in a band called Mungbean, and these photos came out of a collaboration with Miriam where we photographed the band in a snowstorm and in front of a florist. It was a great time! Band photos are always so, so tough, trying to navigate the cliches attached to that style of photography. We tried to do something different and I think we succeeded. Find their music on Spotify or Bandcamp.

Emili, Near A Covered Bridge
This was my first time working with Emili and I hope we can shoot again, the pictures came out great and weird. Thankful for a great Spring day to take pictures.