Icy Hot in TPJ

Very happy to have my photo essay Skate Life published in The Photographic Journal at the end of 2017. I took these photos in February 2017 at the Icy Hot Skate Jam in Columbus, OH. I know I did an earlier blog post with some of these photos, but I'm so happy with these pictures and that TPJ decided to use them. You can see the full set here


Thank you to Leslie dela Vega for hiring me for my first shoot for The New York Times, and talking about me in a recent interview for PDN called 'Who I've Hired". I have to shout Leslie out for believing in my abilities and taking a chance on someone she hadn't worked with before. Here are a few outtakes from that first shoot, portraits of Scott McComb, the chief executive of Heartland Bank, photographed for a story about bankers who supported Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. You can find Leslie's work here. 

Wonderball '18

I was very happy to be asked back to Wonderball, the Columbus Museum of Art's fundraising gala. It's one of the best parties in the city and a social event not to be missed. I'm on the hunt for a tux for next year, any ideas where to get one? 

First video work

I love film and have toyed with the idea of doing video for a long time....my New Year's resolution for 2017 was to make a music video for my band, which I did not do. I did shoot a number of unconnected scenes and realized I had alot to learn, mostly in the planning department (not really a surprise there). Anyway, here is a SHORT clip of some of the stuff I shot. Thanks to Kate and Topher for being down for this. The song is by The American Jobs and is called "Burning Surface". 

Christina in early 2017

When you find older photos on your computer and decide that you love them....thinking lots about Antonioni films and black white film stock...about where my work should be going....happy 2018!